Neenah Paper Brochure
This brochure was created for the Hornbill festival that takes place in the North East of India in a state called Nagaland. To encourage inter-ethnic interaction and to promote cultural heritage of Naga- land, the Government of Nagaland organizes the Hornbill Festival every year in the first week of December. The first festival was held in December 2000. The festival is named after the Indian hornbill, the large and colorful forest bird which is displayed in the folklore of most of the state’s ethnic groups. A lot of tourists attend this event in order to experience the culture, food and buy souvenirs as remembrance. Creating a dual focus brochure that also acts as a fan is a perfect way to have tourists educated about the history of the festival, while also serving as a souvenir of remembrance. The front of the fan contains illustrations of the traditional jewelry and weapons used by the tribal people of Nagaland. When closed the fan looks like the feather of the hornbill bird which is very symbolistic to Nagalands culture and is the mascot for the Festival.

The concept of this project was creating a promotional product for the company that contains embossing, die cut and foil while still staying true to the company’s purpose. Many times at events peo- ple get handed brochures of its overall introduction however rarely do the visitors ever find the need to keep the brochure and opt to throw them away. The goal of this product was to create a product that visitors could find useful at the event but still want to keep it after the event. The idea of a reusable brochure fit well with the requirements.