Connect the world one paw at a time


Creating Pawsitive friendships

The goal of this app is to help users find friends for their pets more easily without the stress of having to go out of their way to meet people at dog parks or other locations. Sometimes its hard for people to meet other pet owners with pets that get along with their companions. This app caters towards the pets personality and helps users find other pets with similar personalities to help reduce stress and trauma from bad pet pairings/clash of personalities. It is very important for pets to socialise as they also need companionship from other animals in order to help their personal growth.

Endless pet friends

This app helps users find people with pets more easily without having the hassle of going to the dog park and trying to strike up conversations. Link Leash brings the pet community to the palm of your hands

Find your missing piece to pawsitive friendships through a click of a button

You can be popular too, not just your dog

Link Leash also offers the owners a chat option so that they can communicate with each other and also making the owners create a relationship and not just their dogs.


join the LINK LEASH family

